Since the earliest beginnings of the Beaufort-Sister-Cities-inspired French internship program for Carteret Community College students of Culinary Arts, Alain and Marie-Claude Capelle have been leading forces in both the training of CCC students and in the exchange of chefs between this area and France. Alain, is recognized as one of the best chefs in France through his membership in l’Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, and their restaurant, l'Auberge de l'Hermitage, truly stands out as Une Adresse Gourmande en Avesnois.
Beaufort en Nord is a small commune/village of about 1000 residents in
the Nord Department of north-eastern France. Alain and Marie-Claude's
restaurant is very conveniently located on Hwy D602, just off Route
Nationale 2.
During recent travels in France, Beaufort Sister Sisters members Katherine and Chuck Bland had the opportunity to visit Beaufort en Nord where they met Alain and Marie-Claude and had a delightful Sunday lunch at their restaurant....
After being greeted by Alain and Marie-Claude we were given a lovely table and presented with a menu filled with delectable choices. The following brief menu from an article about the restaurant gives just a hint:
The dishes we had for lunch, shown below,
range from a trio of amuse-bouche, to entrees, to plates, to desserts.
(We skipped the cheese course as there simply wasn't room for it.)
Chef Capelle writing notes for us to deliver to friends in Beaufort on our return. |
The end of a delightful meal and a wonderful visit with the Capelles
at l'Auberge de l'Hermitage.