The International Association of Beauforts was established in 1995 when Beaufort-en-Vallee, France hosted the first reunion of Beauforts. The Beaufort, North Carolina organization seeks to promote international cooperation, understanding and development through a variety of dynamic exchanges with cities and towns with whom Beaufort maintains active sister city partnerships. By interpreting our way of life to people of other cultures, we gain a better understanding of our own community. This site provides information on our local organization as well as overviews of each of our sister-city Beauforts.

Beaufort Blaenau Gwent, Wales, United Kingdom

Beaufort is a small town located on the northern edge of the area broadly referred to as Ebbw Vale, but more accurately referred to as the county borough of Blaenau Gwent in Wales. The town's name derives from the fact that much of the local land was originally owned by the Duke of Beaufort. More...

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